The goal of SCB Youth Ministry is to give young people the tools to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ in our world today; to draw young people to a more responsible involvement in the life, mission and essence of the faith community and Church, fostering the personal and spiritual growth of each person through prayer, fun and devotion to our Lord.
Watch the Sunday bulletin or the parish calendar for upcoming events. Stay in-the-know and sign up to receive text alerts through GroupMe messaging app by emailing your cell phone number to Kristin Jacoby at
Follow us on Twitter @SCBYouthGroup and like us on Instagram at scbyouth. Like us on Facebook at Saint Charles Borromeo Youth Ministry.
The Middle School Youth Group is open to 7th through pre-Luke 18 8th graders. Sixth graders are welcome in the Middle School Youth Group after the Luke 18 retreat each winter. The Middle School Youth Group meets once a month on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. Service and social activities as well as retreats are also offered.
Another part of our Youth Ministry is our monthly LifeLine at 7 p.m. in the Church the last Tuesday of every month.
We are looking for dedicated, faith-filled adults, college age or older, to help plan and lead high school and middle school events. Contact Kristin if interested.